Be Storm Fit!

I am hearing the words and phrases “Storm”, “Perfect Storm”, “Tsunami”, “Battle” and “going to war” more and more in my coaching sessions. We put on brave faces, but in our private moments we feel it is taking its toll and sense the temptation to run away. I know it’s tough. But know this: your storm can be your passage to greatness! Continue reading Be Storm Fit!


Prototypes of Hope and Strength

The world is struggling. Just watch the news and you will have to work hard to stay positive. At the same time the struggling world needs people like you and I who can see and feel the struggles, pain and setbacks but then pause and choose to respond differently. I believe now is the time to have open minds and hearts to re-imagine, redesign and rebuild our future with intentionality determination. Now is a time for change. So, be different, become the change. Continue reading Prototypes of Hope and Strength


Weather the Storm, see the Rainbow

You are so much stronger if you know how to weather the storms of life and navigate your ship through it. It’s a cliché, but on the other side a rainbow (or two) might be waiting for you.  And you can learn the skill, even when you feel you have been shipwrecked too many times.

As the saying goes: life is not plain sailing. Someone once said: “you are either in a storm, just through one, or about to go into one”. Health and financial issues, relationship pain, failure, price hikes, climatic challenges, floods and droughts, political unrest, corruption, accidents, and unfairness. That’s life (but only some of the time – the rest can be fun). So, let’s build muscle and grit! Continue reading Weather the Storm, see the Rainbow
